Last Date: 27/09/2024.
LGBRIMH has invited applications from eligible and
intending candidates for the recruitment of Counsellor vacancy. Interested
and eligible candidates may apply.

LGBRIMH Recruitment 2024
Name of Post: Counsellor
No of Posts: 01
Age Limit: 43 years
Pay Scales: Rs.20,000 per month
Educational Qualification:
Graduate in Psychology / Social Work / Sociology (Preferable : Masters in concerned disciplines)
Other term and Condition:
The appointment is purely on full time TEMPORARY/CONTRACT BASIS for a period of 3 months with effect from the date of joining or till the availability of the fund under the scheme. If the contract is not extended further, the same will lapse automatically. The appointment may be terminated at any time, giving one month's notice or by paying one month's salary by the appointee or failure to complete the period of three months to the satisfaction of competent authority. However, the Competent Authority reserves the right to terminate forthwith without assigning any reason thereof. The appointee shall perform the duties as assigned to him/her. The competent authority reserves the right to assign any duty as and when required. No extra/additional allowances will be admissible in case of such assignment. Remuneration is consolidated pay. The appointee shall not be entitled to any other benefits like Provident Fund, Pension Gratuity, Medical Attendance Treatment, Seniority, Promotion etc, or any other benefits available to the Government Servants, appointed on regular basis. The appointee shall not have any claim er rights for regular appointment to any post at LGBRIMIE. Other terms and conditions of service which are not specifically mentioned herein will be governed by relevant rules and orders issued from time to time.
How to Apply
Interested and eligible
candidates are requested to e-mail scanned copies of required documents (all
relevant original testimonials/BIO-DATA/educational qualifications/experience,
self-attested copies of certificates/a PP certified photograph) to lgbtimhi@yahoo.cn.in.
Important Web-Links
Advertisement Details: Click Here
Official Website: Click Here